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  • Make the right ESG choices for your clients

    Tenet is excited to announce the launch of ESG Compassour brand-new digital tool, housing in-depth due diligence and research on the leading ESG propositions.

What is ESG Compass?

As a financial or mortgage adviser, you play a key role in connecting investors with quality ESG propositions. However, successfully navigating the complicated ESG market remains challenging for many. That is why we’ve created ESG Compass.

Comprehensively researched and objectively analysed, ESG Compass features expert, independent analysis, and price & performance comparisons of some of the most innovative, best-performing ESG funds currently available.

Allowing you to match funds much more closely to your client’s ESG requirements, our comprehensive search tool enables you to look for and filter ESG propositions according to your client's ESG preferences, including investment & ESG style, product type, and cost.

ESG research you can trust 

All our research on ESG funds, ESG mortgages, and managed ESG portfolio services is conducted by the Tenet Research Hub – a team of industry experts specialising in product research, provider due diligence, and creating product and fund panels.

Featuring analysis and guidance you and your clients can easily understand, we leave no stone unturned, examining everything from whether a fund’s environmental targets are realistic to in-depth cost and performance analysis, including:

  • Provider's financial strength 
  • ESG objectives & screening methodology 
  • Charges 
  • Investment performance 
  • Data sources used to conduct screening 
  • Benchmarking against ESG objectives
  • Experience & qualifications of its management team 
  • Provider reporting 

ESG Compass is completely free. 

Simply click below and sign up today!

Are you a Tenet Network member?

Coming soon: All the benefits of ESG Compass aligned to our current panels and easily accessible from our extranet. 

Why choose ESG Compass?


Cut through ESG complexity with easy-to-understand ESG data that you can trust.


Get the professional reassurance you need to give ESG advice with confidence.


Quickly and easily find the perfect ESG solutions for your clients.