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  • Preparing you for the FCA's Consumer Duty

    The FCA's New Consumer Duty is the biggest shake up of financial services since RDR. With the deadline for implementation of July 2023 rapidly closing in, you need confidence that you’ve covered all the bases, while ensuring the plan you put into place is achievable.  

    Whether you need resources or expertise, we're here to help. 

Register for our next webinar: Priority of actions

Join us on 13th June at 10am where we will be recapping on the priority of actions for firms and help give you the peace of mind that you can demonstrate implementation effectiveness across your organisation.

Get started on your Consumer Duty approach

We're here to help you achieve Consumer Duty success and provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. So, we've hosted a series of focussed webinars to help you implement the new Consumer Duty and shared practical tips for firms to help them apply the four outcomes set out by the Consumer Duty.

Getting Started 

In our first webinar we outlined the new rules and identified their impact and looked at practical steps and opportunities for Financial and Mortgage Advisers. Plus, 1 hour of structured CPD (CII accredited).

Gap Analysis & Implementation Plan  

We explore the practicalities of performing a gap analysis and the key areas of focus ahead of creating your implementation plan. Plus, 1 hour of structured CPD (CII accredited).

Four Outcomes, Products & Services

We look at practical steps that can be applied by firms, firstly looking at how mortgage and financial advisers can meet the products and services outcome. Plus, 1/2 hour of structured CPD (CII accredited).

Four Outcomes, Price & Value 

This webinar focuses on the practical steps that mortgage and financial advisers can apply in order to meet the price and value outcome. Plus, 1 hour of structured CPD (CII accredited).

Four Outcomes: Consumer Understanding & Support 

We look at practical steps that can be applied by firms, firstly looking at how mortgage and financial advisers can meet the consumer understanding and support outcomes. Plus, 1 hour of structured CPD (CII accredited).

Four Outcomes: Monitoring and evidencing outcomes

We focus on monitoring and evidencing the four outcomes and practical steps you can take to meet the higher standards set out by the Consumer Duty. Plus, 45 minutes of structured CPD (CII accredited).

Consumer Duty Recap: Priority of actions

Following our webinar series focussing on the Consumer Duty outcomes, we are hosting a final session to recap on the priority actions all firms should consider for this important change. Plus, 1 hour of structured CPD (CII accredited).

How well are you actually progressing? 

Answer 10 simple questions to discover how well you're progressing with your approach.

How we can help

Get confidence you've covered all the bases 

Step 1: Gap Analysis

Our gap analysis enables you to benchmark your existing practices, procedures, and controls against the new rules, and allows us to identify any weaknesses or areas you need to strengthen. 

Step 2: Implementation Plan

From your gap analysis, we will build you a robust plan that covers complete implementation, with initial focus on priority areas. This plan will include how the work will be carried out, including timeline, budget, and required resources. 

Download our step-by-step guide to creating a robust Implementation Plan here.

Step 3: Implementation Support

We provide as much support as you need, from policy reviews, outcome monitoring and staff training, to challenging and testing what you already have in place.