Tenet Views

Blog categorized as Tenet Views

Data Protection Compliance and COVID-19
In this challenging time, data protection compliance and practices may be need to be adapted to help your business react quickly to the situation you face. Tenet's In-House Counsel and Privacy Officer, Claire Gilbertson, offers some useful pointers in our latest blog.
06.04.21 01:42 PM - Comment(s)
Impact of the pandemic on the mortgage market
Our MD of TenetLime, Simon Broadley, talks about the huge changes to the mortgage market, since the UK went into lockdown.
02.04.21 01:37 PM - Comment(s)
Covid & guaranteed insurability - the benefits of an existing policy
In this article, we are going to look at the use of guaranteed insurability and how advisers can utilise this to assist clients who are reviewing their protection needs.
04.03.21 03:09 PM - Comment(s)
Building trust in sustainable investing in 2021
One unexpected side-effect of the pandemic has been acceleration in the adoption of sustainable finance strategies. We look into how you can build trust with your clients in this area.
11.02.21 02:57 PM - Comment(s)
Will the popularity of ESG investing continue into 2021?
After the extraordinary year that was 2020, in which Covid-19 put the brakes on global growth, commentators believed that the continuing rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing might falter.
11.01.21 01:48 PM - Comment(s)
How to make 2021 a year of growth
We believe there are a number of areas of opportunity that advisory firms can focus on in 2021 to help diversify and future proof their businesses.
11.01.21 01:46 PM - Comment(s)
The UK housing market back in business
TenetLime's Managing Director Simon Broadley, discusses the housing markets first steps back to normality and what could lie ahead.
19.05.20 02:58 PM - Comment(s)
Do your clients have protection cover in place?
Tenet's Head of Technical Services and Research Jo Rigby, highlights the need to check that your clients have the right cover in place, particularly during this time of uncertainty.
28.04.20 02:53 PM - Comment(s)
A view from the 2019 Forum
Chief Executive Mark Scanlon gives an overview of his keynote speech at our recent Adviser Forum.
11.12.19 02:27 PM - Comment(s)
Finding your balance with social media
Tenet's Philip Hurst (Compliance Helpdesk Officer), shares some tips for getting the most out of social media, whilst remaining within the compliance regulations.
03.04.18 03:48 PM - Comment(s)
The suitability of platforms in financial advice - four factors to consider
Tenet's Business Development Director, Ben Wright, suggests four key factors that advisers should consider when assessing if a platform is the most suitable solution for a client.
05.12.17 04:43 PM - Comment(s)